Sunday, April 19, 2020 Video “Gathering”

Sunday, April 19, 2020 Video “Gathering”

Our Worship “Gathering” for Sunday, April 19, 2020 – to be watched at 10:30 am Sunday morning (though if you start it later you will be completely inline with normal Tapestry behavior). 2 John 1-13. John rejoices that some of the lady’s children were walking in the truth. You can watch the “gathering” on our Facebook Live page (HERE) or on our Youtube feed (HERE)

Being a nomadic church we are without a building during the COVID-19 crisis. This is our attempt at replicating the interaction and participation of one of our gatherings. Here are the songs and scripture that will be a part of the gathering. 

**Psalm 100 read by Steve Hand –

Glorious Day (One Day) sung by the Holtes –

**Psalm 130 read by Yomi Ogunnaike –

Hot Great Thou Art sung by Natalie Glaze (German), Amelia Ruzek (Russian), and Eric Glaze –

2 John 1-13 read by Robert Terrell –