Our Worship “Gathering” for Sunday, December 20, 2020 – to be watched at 10:30 am Sunday morning (though if you start it later you will be completely inline with normal Tapestry behavior). Today we focus on the fourth candle of Advent. The candle of love. The video may also be viewed on our Facebook Live page.
Here are the readings and songs for tomorrow:
**Advent Wreath Love lit by Amelia & Sam Klein
**Come Thou Long Expected Jesus sung by the Heidi & Adam Holte
**Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 read by Kate & Drew Frisk –
**Infant Holy, Infant Lowly sung by Elizabeth Schrader
**Message by Robert Terrell
**Children’s Message by Pam Terrell
HERE is the sign up for the Christmas baskets we are working on as a church.
HERE is the Hot Drink Night link.