Church Blog (Page 6)

Church Blog (Page 6)

Sunday, April 26, 2020 Video Worship “Gathering”

Our Worship “Gathering” for Sunday, April 26, 2020 – to be watched at 10:30 am Sunday morning (though if you start it later you will be completely inline with normal Tapestry behavior). 3 John 1-14. John praises Gaius and condemns Diotrephes. You can watch the “gathering” on our Facebook Live page…

Tapestry & COIVD-19 Update – 3/18/2020

You may have heard the old joke about how to make God laugh. You tell Him your plans. I don’t think God is actually laughing about any of this, the God of scripture cries over the pain of His people, but the last few days have been a reminder of how quickly plans can change. First, the Leadership…